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slow-dog.entry31.03.2002: "87% Palestinians support martyrdom operations"

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87% Palestinians support martyrdom operations:

Nablus- An opinion poll organized by the press department at the Najah University in Nablus yesterday revealed that majority of the Palestinian people supported martyrdom operations against Zionist occupiers.

The poll that included 327 persons from various affiliations pointed out that 87.4% of them supported continuation of Palestinian martyrdom operations.

72.4% even supported expansion of those operations to cover all areas within the Zionist entity and not only in the West Bank or Gaza Strip.

The poll showed that 64% also backed martyrdom operations launched by women commandos.

Another 79.5% expressed belief that the only solution to the conflict with the Zionist entity was continuation of resistance and intifada.

The poll displayed Palestinian pessimism towards future of the Middle East conflict and the American role as 64.5% objected to American envoy Anthony Zinni?s demands while 62% said that the Saudi initiative did not serve as a suitable foundation for setting the Palestine cause.

05:01 PM PST

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